I just finished day 4 of display takedown. A take down “day” typically runs 7 – 8 hours. Given the warm weather we get each year during the Christmas to New Year timeframe, I usually start takedown on the 26th, but this year with family activities I started on the 27th.All of the wiring and… Read more: Display 2024 Update
Here’s the update on our December 14, 2024 Family night with the North Pole characters. The meteorological folks were partially right – there was no rain, snow or wind last night. The part they missed is that it did not warm up 20 degrees from the day before, rather it just hit 19 degrees for… Read more: Family Night 2024 Recap
It’s a sunny beautiful day! It’s cold (temps in the 20’s), but warming up to around 32 degrees this afternoon.Tonight’s forecast calls for a calm night, without rain, snow or wind, in other words a perfect winter night for Elf on the Shelf, Frosty and Rudolph to visit with families on their trip here from… Read more: December 14th Family Night Update
Given the travel advisories and driving bans today (Thursday December 12) due to high winds with lake effect snow our display will not run tonight. The weather advisories will expire tomorrow at 1pm, so the display will resume tomorrow night. The weather forecast (light winds and warmer) looks very good for travel to our Family… Read more: December 12th Update
Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty, and Rudolph will greet children at the Young’s outdoor Christmas display, located at 8590 Phillips Road in Holland on Saturday December 14th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. This will be their only visit this year. They will visit with children, hand out treats, accept letters to Santa, and pose with families for photos that… Read more: 2024 Family Night with the North Pole Characters
Progress on setup has been steady until 4 days ago when my back said that’s it. First time in the 44 years I have been doing this that my age has interfered with my plans. Back is slowly improving so I plan to resume setup, hopefully this weekend, as I certainly have more to do!… Read more: Display Progress
It’s been a while since my last post, as I have been very busy with this year’s significant changes to our display. With the constant day long rain we are having here today, this gives me the opportunity to share with all of you what has been going on with the changes to this year’s… Read more: Update on our Holiday Display 2024 Changes
To start off our website has been updated. The countdown timers to lights on, and our family night are now active. Having just returned from our annual Christmas convention (now called EXPO) that I had been involved with, originally organizing it back in 2005 when it was called PLUS, and now teaching at it, I… Read more: July 2024 Update
Our 2023 Christmas Display video has been uploaded here! On the main page click on the display video tab located on the upper right hand of that page. Then scroll to the very bottom of that page to view the 2023 video. The first 14 minutes of that video focuses on some highlights of the… Read more: 2023 Display Video
I decided to take a break from the NP letters I am answering to post a display item for sale item! Because of using projection mapping one of my display items needs to be rehomed. The 6 foot tree you see below was designed by me, first going into our display in 1984. Back then… Read more: Display Item for Sale!
Group pictures from our Saturday night event that I took have been sent out to everyone, & uploaded here. In the upper right hand corner of the main welcome page, click the link to photos, then scroll down the album list to last one. Click the slideshow link. It loads faster than the individual pictures… Read more: Family Night Photos
Last night, the weather cooperated, and we had a tremendous crowd at our annual family night at the display event with the North pole characters! This event depends on the efforts a number of volunteers each year. My heartfelt thanks go out to Aaron, Michelle, Addison, Andrew, Brian, Grace, Sandy, Joe, Sheila and of course… Read more: Family Night 2023 Recap
We are all set for tomorrow night! The weather is going to be warmer than usual for this time of year (high in the 50’s with a low of 45 degrees), with a chance of passing rain “Saturday night”, so if you want to be fully prepared, bring umbrellas, just in case. I will be… Read more: All set for tomorrow’s family night at the display!
A thunderstorm with heavy rain, and lightning just went through our area. The clouds look very dark. If the heavy rain returns we will shut down the display tonight as our GFCI breakers will trip. Light rains, snow etc. is fine, but not moderate/heavy rain. Stay tuned. Will let folks know for sure by 6pm…… Read more: WEATHER ALERT
In answer to some emails we have been receiving, our display has been running since last Saturday, running 6 – 10pm daily. Folks can talk with Bruce the spruce on most nights between 6 and 7pm. Santa has already been very busy answering letters from our young visitors. We are getting final preparations in place… Read more: 2023 Display Update 3
Folks have been emailing us, asking about the changes planned for this year. While I had planned to leave the changes as undefined, so folks could be surprised when they visit this year, I was “persuaded” to share one in advance. Visitors will see a newly enhanced synchronized display in the front yard (along with… Read more: A sneak peak at one of the display’s new changes…
Over the last 6 weeks I have been able to successfully install all of the hardware and wiring necessary to operate this year’s updated display. The next 2 weeks will be spent checking operations of all of the synchronized lighting and animations that will be used in this year’s display, with the goal of commencing… Read more: 2023 Display Update #2
I know that I have been “posting silent” for several months. The reason for that is I have been planning out, and now am in the middle of implementing very significant changes to our 43rd consecutive display. These changes will be the largest we have ever made, and will be immediately apparent to those who… Read more: 2023 Display Update
Given the 2 storms we had this season we were unable to get a video of this year’s display.In lieu of that I uploaded video clips from our annual family night with the North Pole characters that were taken by my 11 year old grandson along with some display photos taken by his father. Here… Read more: Family Night 2022 Video
I finished taking down and storing our display today! The warm weather we had allowed me to remove all of the ground wiring and rebar, so the entire display has been removed, except for the 3 trailer mounted vignettes that we remove by tractor each year when the ground dries out in the spring.I am… Read more: Display Takedown Update
I just got in after working outside the last 3 hours to take in the nonreplaceable elements of our display (the blowmolds) that I was concerned might be subject to damage. Everything was iced over so it took longer than anticipated. I was dressed for the weather and actually kept warm despite the fact it’s… Read more: Final Winter Storm Update
Tonight our show will go on as usual. The storm that has been hitting folks in the Western and Central US is scheduled to impact us starting tomorrow morning with rain, with temperatures in the 40’s (which it has been today), but then dropping 30 degrees (over several hours!) to the low teens producing significant… Read more: Winter Storm Update!
We found a Nissan hubcap from someone who visited our display last evening. Please let me know if it’s yours, or you know whose it is. Our display runs through Sunday night, December 25th. It’s hard to believe Christmas came so fast this year!
Our display will be running tonight on its usual 6pm-10pm schedule. The roads are in good shape. We expect to continue normal operations though the predicted lake effect snows over the next few days. If anything changes, we will let you know via FB and our website.
Given the all day rain which has changed to slush and now is icing the road driving here in the hills has become hazardous, so to avoid folks winding up in ditches I am shutting down tonight’s display. Weather permitting (given the NWS lake effect winter weather advisory starting tomorrow), we will resume 6pm tomorrow.
I just finished sending out all of the family photos taken with the North Pole characters during our family night this past Saturday. They can be found here. On the home page select display photos, then select Frosty and Friends 2022 at the bottom of the list. You can view them individually, or select the… Read more: 2022 Family Night Pictures are Available
**** For the gentleman who purchased the blue changing to white snowflake last night at our display, you left without the controller that fades the colors! Please PM me so we can make arrangements to get it to you!! It was a great event last night! Details to follow in the next day or two.
My grandson will be doing some video recording tonight during our family night at the display, so I will finally have some video for folks to see of the activities when the characters visit. IF we get some down time tonight I’ll ask him to get some videos of the display in action for our… Read more: Family Night Tonight
4 days from now our 3 North Pole Characters will arrive to greet WNY families.Our staff are all confirmed.The electronics are working 100%.The goodies have all been purchased.Santa’s mailbox is ready to send letters to the North Pole.The weather is even forecast to be good this Saturday!Remember this is a walk-in event, so park your… Read more: Family Night is 4 Days Away!
Due to the rain/snow mix, with icing on the roads, and low visibility due to moderate winds we are shutting down the display tonight. We don’t want anyone heading out this way tonight! We will be back tomorrow night as usual.
This year’s display is 99% complete at this point in time, including the new elements that have been added. Further testing and any troubleshooting of the display needed will be the main focus for the remainder of this week. We will be all set for lights on November 26th, on schedule! Arrangements for our annual… Read more: 2021 Latest Update
Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer will greet children at the Young’s outdoor Christmas display located at 8590 Phillips Rd, Holland on Saturday December 10th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. This is their only visit this year. They will visit with children, hand out treats, accept letters to Santa, and pose with families for photos that… Read more: Family Holiday Event at Our Display
It’s been a very busy late spring and summer season for me. Having retired in May, I started to check off an extensive list of projects around the home and grounds that needed to be done. Having spent all of the spring and early summer months on completing those I now have turned to updating,… Read more: 2022 Season Updates!
High winds resulted in lost power tonight so the display is off. We should be back on tomorrow, barring any major damage, which I don’t think we have. The good news is I just finished up all of the pictures that were taken Saturday night at our annual family night event and emailed them to… Read more: 12-16 display update
Raked up the yard a bit to clean up some of the leaves I didn’t get to. It’s currently 61 degrees with10 mph winds (maximum gust 26mph so far) and no rain.. Looking forward to our special night tonight! We should be sheltered from the higher predicted winds, being farther in land. 2 of Santa’s… Read more: Family night tonight at the display
Despite the predicted high winds we will be holding our special family night with the N pole characters between 6:30pm and 8pm. Be careful on the open roads if you are driving high profile vehicles. It will be unusually warm for this time of year, but with 40 mph sustained winds it may feel cooler… Read more: Family Night is on for tomorrow!
Given the snowstorm with poor visibility up this way, with now icing on the roads, I will shut the display down tonight. It will resume tomorrow at 6pm. I want to be sure everyone stays safe!
Unfortunately we ran into major computer issues tonight, so the first 2 hours of the display were on and off. Everything has now been fixed. I apologize for the visitors who came to find the display not working/partially working tonight. The first 2 days the display goes live can be chancy to visit, as glitches… Read more: Display had a significant computer issue tonight!
Despite work I have been able to get enough time between one week’s “vacation”, evenings and weekends to finish setting the display.! There have been quite a few behind the scenes upgrades to the electronics, as well as the installation of a brand new video display, one that no longer uses a projector. Corky and… Read more: 2021 Display Updates
I recently completed trenching a 280 foot run in our clay and rocky soil to carry new cabling out to our AudioAnimatronic Santa that greets visitors as they pull into the drive way. That was a workout, but was successful. Next project is our new video screen, the parts of which are still on backorder,… Read more: 2021 Display Planning Update
I just finished completely rebuilding our FM transmitter, to ensure we will continue to have commercial FM quality audio being broadcast at our display, along with RDS data displaying the song and artist information on newer radios that offer text display. We run a flea powered broadcast station on 104.3Mhz, broadcasting Christmas music daily 7am… Read more: 2021 Display Planning
We have just finished updating our website to bring it up to 2021 standards. There are more tweaks needed, but it is fully functional. We plan on adding more pictures, following which we will work on making it mobile friendly. Stay tuned.
Tomorrow, December 25th is the last day for this year’s display. It has been a great season for the display, with many new first time visitors, who we have talked to remotely through Bruce our talking Spruce. Bruce got quite a work-out, but our interactive audioanimatronic partner held up well! Even with our expanded parking… Read more: It’s a wrap!
We have been seeing a lot of traffic this year, I think in part as people want to get out with the family and enjoy some safe outdoor events. Quite a few people have been having fun talking with Bruce, but a few of our younger visitors seemed to be frightened, and a few adult… Read more: Display safety
I repaired the visitor control panel for the display. An overzealous visitor hit one of the buttons so hard it broke its connection to the wiring. They are push buttons, not hit buttons… It was no fun soldering a new wire to the button in 33 degree weather with 35 mph winds and a wind… Read more: Visitor control panel
Just a reminder that moderate or heavy rainfall or heavy snowfall will result in us having to shut down our display for safety reasons. If the rain continues as it has been all day today, our display will not be running tonight.
Great news, Bruce has been restored to full operation! It pays to have some electronic circuit boards laying around for parts, as you never know when you are going to need them… He is back in the display, and will look forward to saying hi to visitors between approximately 6 and 7pm daily. If we… Read more: Bruce is back!
2020 has been a challenging year not only due to the pandemic which has impacted all of us, but due to the multitude of electronic issues I have had to deal with regarding our display’s equipment. All have been fixed except the latest one, that just failed today – Bruce our interactive spruce tree animation.… Read more: Bruce the Spruce is off-line
Despite working long hours 7 days a week in public health over the last 7 months, I have been able to get things together for our 2020 display. This will be the 40th consecutive year of our display at this home, so I just could not take a year off! In addition to work this… Read more: Christmas Display 2020 Update!
We just previewed our Halloween display this evening. It will run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night from 7 – 10pm through Halloween eve. It has a 4 foot “talking” pumpkin, with a small 10 pumpkin “chorus”, along with some unique videos on our 4 x 7 foot projection screen. Although no where near the… Read more: 2020 Halloween Display
With take down of our display completed earlier today, after only 5.5 days due to the great weather we have had since Christmas, I spent all afternoon working on and now just finishing resurrecting Santa. I completely dismantled him, and noticed there was a creation date of 1983, and a name of the person I… Read more: Santa lives!
We have had request from several families who are coming in from out of town on the 26th and “really want” to see our display. Based on the limited time off from work available tear down starts each year on the 26th, but it MIGHT be possible to extend the display one more day this… Read more: Our display’s schedule
Despite the changing weather patterns last night, we had a steady stream of visitors starting at 6:30pm and going all the way through 8pm. Thanks to all who braved the snow and came to share in our special family night. We had folks that came all the way from Medina, and North Tonawanda! All of… Read more: Recap of Frosty and Friends 2019!
The snow has moved South. We have about 2 inches of snow. Just cleaned it off the driveway. Visibility is decent. I have been told it’s nasty up North around the Lancaster/Cheektowaga/Buffalo area. If the roads out your way aren’t good, it would be best to stay home. There is always next year to see… Read more: Snow update #2
I didn’t think I would have time to post again, but we didn’t get the snow they have been predicting. I just got in from an easy clean-up. We have about 3/4 inches of new snow, which looks pretty and sets the scene for tonight! Sounds like the snow is staying up North. For those… Read more: Snow Update
We are all set for family night at the display tonight! ð Santa and the characters will greet visitors starting at 6:30pm, and will be there through 8pm, going a little longer depending on the crowd. This is a walk in event for tonight. There will be cones blocking the driveway, placed far enough up… Read more: Details for tonight’s family night event!
We’re up and running again after 2 hours of repairing the boot sector issues! It appears it’s time for a new pc as soon as the decorating season ends. We are looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night!
Just got back from Tree of Hope lighting at Roswell Park, and found pc is totally locked up. Unable to boot, so display is off tonight while I try to resolve the issue. Sorry!It will be up in time for our family night tomorrow!
Unfortunately our visitors’ control panel was damaged this evening by visitors to our display. It was likely accidental, but I am not sure it can be repaired with the parts I have available in time for Saturday. The display itself is running without issue. If I can not repair it in time for family night… Read more: Visitor control panel issue
In light of the travel advisories due to freezing rain, and accumulating ice on all of the roads we will NOT be running the display tonight. Cars are already reported in ditches. Stay safe, stay home and off the roads!
We added daytime photos of parts of our 2019 display. Click on the “previous photos” link to view them. All photos are best viewed clicking on the slideshow selection, as they will automatically display one after the other. You can speed the time up, or slow it down. Enjoy!
We just finished up sequencing our 3rd new song for this year! All 3 will feature our singing bulbs, and all 3 will be able to be selected from our visitor’s control panel, in addition to being played in the normal rotation of songs we offer. The first one we worked on was “Last Christmas… Read more: Latest Display Happenings
Holiday Event for WNY Families Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer will join Santa Claus to greet children at the Young’s outdoor Christmas display located at 8590 Phillips Rd, Holland on Saturday December 14th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. This is their only visit this year. They will visit with children, hand out treats, accept letters… Read more: Santa and Friends 2019 Visit!
Folks have been asking what we have been up to planning for this coming season. The answer is – quite a bit! We have finished installing a new high definition camera system for our display. There are 3 new songs that will be added to our display this year. The first is Last Christmas by… Read more: Preparing for our 2019 season
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the families who came out and visited our display this season! With only 30 minutes left in our 2018 display season, we are happy to share that our collection for the Boys and Girls club have been the best we have ever had. Thanks… Read more: Our 2018 Season Update
2018 has been another great year for our display, but all good things come to an end. The last day the display will be operating will be December 25th, so this is the last weekend to be able visit our display which will continue to run daily 6 – 10pm. Our wish for you and… Read more: 2018 Display Season is Coming to an End
All of the pictures from our family night event have been sent out to folks. if you didn’t receive your picture let us know.The last of the Santa’s letters to the children were mailed out yesterday, so all letters should be received by Saturday the 15th at the latest.Thanks to all of the families and… Read more: Display update
We would like to take a moment to thank the many families that came out and made our family night event so very special last evening. We had a near perfect night, free of rain, winds and snow, but it was cold (22 degrees). Despite the outside temperature, no one seemed to notice, as the… Read more: Yesterday’s Family Night Event
For those who are participating in their first family night event at our display with the North Pole visitors please be sure to bundle up children, as it is expected to be cold, but there will be no precipitation so it should be a great evening! This event is held entirely outside, so the children… Read more: Update on Family Night for New Visitors
It appears the weather will be great for Saturday night, although it will be cold, so bundle up the kids! We will have road cones placed a little ways up the driveway to allow each vehicle (one at a time) to pull in, drop the family off, and then go and park alongside our country… Read more: Saturday night family event update
Given the amount of snow we are receiving, and the slick icy roads we have decided to turn the display off Tuesday 11/27 and Wednesday 11/28. We don’t want folks injured, or their vehicles damaged, due to the weather we are currently experiencing. We will resume normal daily (6pm – 10pm) operations starting Thursday 11/29.
Despite the weather challenges we have all been dealing with over the last month and a half we successfully completed setup and final testing of our 2018 display today. We are ready for our display season which begins next Friday, November 23rd at 6pm. It will run through December 25th, ending at 10pm. Be sure… Read more: We’re finished with setup and testing of our 2018 display
Despite a somewhat challenging couple of months, our display’s setup will be completed by this weekend. The weather really put a damper on setup this year, no pun intended, but we persevered and got the job done. ð The weather, in addition to some new elements we added, along with updating quite a few of… Read more: Our display will be going live next week!
Bundle up the kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews and bring them out to our display for our special family event, held once each year. The event this year is being held on the second Saturday of December (December 8th) between 6:30 and 8:00pm. For this event vehicles should park on the sides of the road,… Read more: Our 2018 family night with a very special guest – Saturday December 8th!
Santa will be joining Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty and Rudolph on Saturday December 8th from 6:30 – 8:00pm for the first time ever! One look at him and folks will immediately realize that he is not just another mall Santa! Make sure your children bring their letters to Santa on the 8th!
Due to activities at the North Pole we have had to change the date of Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty, and Rudolph’s visit from our usual first Saturday in December to the second Saturday. This year their visit will occur on Saturday, December 8th from 6:30 – 8:00pm. Details of their visit can be found on the frequently… Read more: Change in Date for the 2018 Visit from our North Pole Visitors!
In an effort to make it easier for folks to check in to the latest happenings involving our display, we have just started a new FB page called Hollandsholidaylights. Be sure to check it out and like it, so you can receive notifications regarding the display. For example if there are road access issues due… Read more: New Facebook page started for the display
The event tonight went well beyond our expectations! We have never seen crowds the size we had tonight. We met many wonderful families from all over! We went through almost 3 (large) cans of hot chocolate powder. Don’t ask me how many gallons that translates into. All I known is Diane was mixing pot after… Read more: Our family night event tonight was in a word, wonderful!
In less than 3 hours our 3 North Pole visitors will be on site at our display to meet with families, hand out treats to the kids, take letters to Santa, participate in family pictures, share hot chocolate with everyone, and have a great time with everyone attending! The weather is perfect, with temperatures in… Read more: Our N. Pole visitors are on their way tonight to meet WNY families!
I have been very busy this year, making quite a few changes to our display. This year we have made more changes than in any previous single year! Previous visitors will immediately notice the changes, especially in our front yard, but also some in the section alongside the driveway as well. There was a lot… Read more: 2017 Display Updates!
Hi folks: I just added my security and photography presentations from this year’s EXPO. They are located in the “how-to” section of this website, which can found on the right side of each page. Just click on the presentation you are interested in and you will download a pdf of the entire presentation. Enjoy!
Here’s brief video clip of 2016’s special addition to the display, our interactive animatronic spruce tree. The video clip shows his “away” message. This was taken with a cell phone, so it is not of the best quality, but you will get a general idea of what he does. When we are available during normal… Read more: Bruce our Talking Spruce Tree
Tonight kicked off the 2016 lighting season here on Phillips Road! I had a few things that need to be fixed, that will need some further troubleshooting tomorrow. It was a little challenging to accomplish the repairs as we had moderate traffic tonight, much more than usual for the first night. Our new interactive animation, Bruce,… Read more: Our 35th Year of Decorating is Now Underway!
2 weeks from tonight will be our annual family night at the display! Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer, will greet children at our outdoor Christmas display at 8590 Phillips Rd, Holland on Saturday December 3rd from 6:30 – 8:00pm. They will visit with children, hand out treats, accept letters to Santa, and pose with… Read more: Family Night 2016 is 2 weeks away!
Bruce has arrived, and I am busy learning his new programming! It took longer than expected, as I had requests for functions that the designers (who design for Disney and other large commercial venues) usually don’t get. They managed to get all of them, save one, addressed, although Bruce now requires four separate controllers to… Read more: Bruce, our new interactive animation has arrived!
Although my computer is far from back on-line, I was able to at least upload the 2 slide sets I presented at Expo 2016 in Chicago a few weeks ago, as promised. You will find them in the “how-to” section of our website. I hope they prove useful to folks, along with all the other… Read more: Expo presentations added
For our special 35th anniversary year we decided to develop a one of a kind addition to our display! This will be the most complex project we have ever undertaken. We are working with the designers now, and expect the product to take about another 5 or so months to complete. There are technical hurdles… Read more: 2016 – big plans for our 35th consecutive year of decorating!
Overall, we had a great year, despite some failures of some of our more elaborate items… We ran the display one extra day, through Saturday December 26th based on how Christmas fell on the calendar this year, and then began takedown on the 27th. Takedown has gone a little faster this year, due to the help… Read more: Our 2015 display season is over
Due to the day Christmas falls this year we will run the display one more day than usual. The last day will be Saturday, December 26th, running 6 – 10pm. [whohit]Display will run through Dec 26th this year[/whohit]
We just uploaded pictures of Frosty, Elf-on-the-Shelf and Rudolph visiting with some of the families taken during our family event night on Saturday December 12th. You can view them in the previous display pictures section. We hope you enjoy them! [whohit]Pictures of our 2015 characters’ visit added[/whohit]
With the heavy rains the GFCIs started to trip, so for safety reasons the display has been shut down for the night! Sorry about that! We will not risk another electrical fire should one of the other GFCIs decide to fail again. Going forward the display will run every night, except for any night where… Read more: Display shut down due to heavy rains!
I received a number of electronic parts today and this evening was able to build new units for the DMX lighting. I had already repaired/replaced a number of power cords, as well as the faulty GFCI that was responsible for not preventing the electrical fire. I just got in from finishing up the repairs and… Read more: The display is back in operation!
Unfortunately tonight we had an electrical fire which took out several key controllers that run our display. This is the first incident of its kind we have had in our 34 years of decorating.Replacement parts were just ordered. They are expected to arrive early next week. The display will be down until that time. Sorry for any inconvenience… Read more: Electrical fire at the display!!!
The video board feeding my projector just quit, so we have no projected video as part of the display! ð I have ordered a new board that scheduled to arrive late Friday, hopefully before 6pm. I will install it as soon as it arrives, hopefully in time for Friday night’s display, but if not for sure in time for… Read more: Video temporarily down!
We changed the frequency assignment of our FM transmitter this year, to avoid potential interference with a new station on our long-standing former frequency. The new frequency is 104.3Mhz. For those not aware, we do transmit information on that frequency, which newer car radios will display. We added a pair of angels at the end of… Read more: 2015 changes to our display
Pack up the kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, and bring them out to our display on Saturday, December 12th for a very special event – an opportunity to meet Elf-on-the-Shelf, Frosty, and Rudolph, live and in person between 6:30 and 8pm that evening. This is the one evening each year when folks are welcome to park their cars… Read more: Family event night – Saturday December 12, 2015!
Frosty, Elf-on-the-Shelf, and Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer had a very busy night when they visited out display Saturday night (12/13/14). They met with a large crowd of folks from all over WNY. Dozens of family pictures were taken (some of which are posted in the previous display pictures) section of the website – under special events 2014). Just… Read more: Frosty & Friends enjoyed a phenomenal night last Saturday
Two new additions to our current line of audio-animatronic display hosts (Santa, Ricky the Reindeer and Sammy the Snowman) that have been added for the 2014 season are our very special elves – Jingles and Jangles. They live in the large present boxes located near the pixel tree, and “pop out” when it’s time for them to… Read more: Jingles and Jangles have joined our display!
Once again we have selected the Boys and Girls Club of Holland as the charity we will be collecting money for. The club provides after school and other activities for boys and girls in the South towns. Their old facility was too small, so they constructed a new facility that community donations helped finance. The donations we collect each year… Read more: Collecting for Charity
We have installed an app for mobile smart phone users. It covers the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Droid, Blackberry (OS6+), Windows phone and others. You can switch back and forth between the mobile smart phone view and standard web browser view via an icon located in the footer of the webpage. [whohit]App installed for mobile smart phone… Read more: App installed for mobile smart phone users