Overall, we had a great year, despite some failures of some of our more elaborate items…
We ran the display one extra day, through Saturday December 26th based on how Christmas fell on the calendar this year, and then began takedown on the 27th.
Takedown has gone a little faster this year, due to the help from our son-in-law Aaron, who helped me with disassembling and storing the heavy lifts – the video screen and our pixel tree.
As I type this note I have just finished day 3 (sun-up to sun-down) of takedown, and with the added help, the display is now 60% packed away! All of the wiring has been packed away. I hit that first figuring snow and freezing rain aren’t far behind us!
I have a list of 10 things to do/repair over the winter, once the entire display has been packed away.
Also I have a really cool idea for the display, one that will be another first for us. More on that later!
12/30 UPDATE: as of this evening, after 4 full days we are 95% done with take down. We broke our 6 day usual time frame, due to the extra help we received this year! Nothing left to do except make one climb to the 75 foot level on one of my towers to lower a frame I built that houses 3 snowflakes, and then remove the strobes under the roof overhang of our house. Let the winter come.. we are ready. Now to spend some time in the basement working on preparing for next year’s additions/changes!
[whohit]Our 2015 display season is over[/whohit]